Category: DIY

  • Halloween Makeup & Costume | Miss Peregrine

    Halloween Makeup & Costume | Miss Peregrine

    OMG it’s here again! I LOVE Halloween and each year keeps getting better and better. And since it’s my favorite time of year, what better way to celebrate than to play with hair and makeup for our annual Halloween card? Keeping up with tradition, this year I’ve got the hair and makeup need-to-know for a…

  • DIY Valentines | Usher Style

    DIY Valentines | Usher Style

    It’s my favorite time of year. Do you know why?! I’ll give you one hint – hearts are everywhere! My heart skips a beat when I walk into stores and they are DECKED out in all things pink and red and hearts are flying everywhere. What’s not to love about the Valentine’s season? For some,…

  • Halloween Costume & Makeup | Antique Porcelain Doll

    Halloween Costume & Makeup | Antique Porcelain Doll

    It’s FINALLY here. Are you ready for it? I don’t think you are. Are you sure?! Well, okay, if you say so, then I guess I can tell you. For those of your that don’t know me, I am just a teeny tiny bit obsessed with all things Halloween. And obsessed may be a slight…